Bowery Gallery

On October 31, 1969, a group of independent artists formed the Bowery Gallery. The gallery has been in continuous operation ever since, and is one of the oldest in New York City. The gallery is incorporated as a nonprofit organization of representational and nonrepresentational artists.

Bowery Gallery, located in the Chelsea arts district, is an artist-run cooperative gallery specializing in contemporary fine art, including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and mixed media.

Current and Upcoming Exhibitions:

Jan. 2-27, 2024  John Goodrich: The Color’s the Thing

Jan. 30-Feb. 24, 2024  Thaddeus Radell: In my beginning is my end: recent paintings

Feb. 27-March 23, 2024  Simon Carr: Play Ground

March 26-April 20, 2024  Esmé Thompson: Recent Paintings

April 23-May 18, 2024  Monica Bernier

May 21-June 15, 2024  Janet Gorzegno

June 18-July 6, 2024  Invitational: John Lee

July 9-July 27, 2024  Invitational: Janet Niewald

July 30-August 17, 2024  33rd Annual Bowery Gallery Juried Competition Show

Current and past exhibitions can be viewed at: www.bowerygallery.org

In 1969, a group of eighteen adventurous young New York artists, looking around the contemporary art world and thinking back to the 10th Street days of the 1950s, founded a new cooperative gallery on the Bowery, and named it Bowery Gallery after its location. In 1972 the gallery moved to Greene Street, in 1980 to Wooster Street, in 2000 to W. 25th St. in Chelsea, and in 2021 to its present location on W. 27th St. in Chelsea. From its beginnings, the gallery has been a force for the expansion of art’s traditions in a venue unconstrained by commercial pressures. Exhibitions at Bowery Gallery have received notice in The New York Times, Arts, Art in America, Modern Painters, ARTnews, artcritical.com, Vogue, The New Criterion, The New York Sun, The Observer, and The New Republic, WNYC, and The Brooklyn Rail.

An annual international competition and juried show, sponsored by Bowery Gallery in August, has been juried by such notable artists as William Bailey, Rosemary Beck, Nell Blaine, Natalie Charkow, Lois Dodd, Rackstraw Downes, Louis Finkelstein, Janet Fish, Jane Freilicher, Bill Jensen, Gabriel Laderman,  Wilbur Niewald,  Paul Resika, Joan Snyder, Kyle Staver, John Walker, and Ro Lohin; and art critics David Cohen, Lance Esplund, Janice Nowinski, Jed Perl, Enrico Riley, Martica Sawin, and Karen Wilkin.

Image Captions

1. David Bradford, City, 2020, acrylic and burlap on panel, 20 in. x 24 in. 2. Robert Braczyk, 415, 2020, maple, 25.5 x 17.5 x 10.25 in. 3. Rita Baragona, Vivaldi's Summer, 2021, acrylic on paper, 11 x 14 in. 4. Naomi Nemtzow, Red and Turquoise 1, 2022, mixed media on panel, 21 x 27 x 3 in. 5. Rachel Siporin, Murals in the Marketplace, 2022, flashe on panel, 30 x 36 in. 6. Iris Osterman, Rocky Shore 1, 2021, oil on canvas, 46 x 64 in. 7. Tony Serio, Volleyball Players and Court, 2021, oil on canvas, 32 x 40 in 8. Michael L. Johnson, Front Window View, 2022, pigment stick (oil) on linen, 32 x 22 in. 9. Gael Mooney, Gisant (Blanche de France), 2022, oil on linen, 32 x 39 in. 10. Adrianne Lobel, Autumn Pond, 2022, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in. 11. Bowery Gallery members, January 2023. Photo: Ralph Gabriner. Back row (standing) from left to right: Tony Serio, Younghee Choi Mitchell, Evelyn Twitchell, Carolyn Virgil Middle row (standing) from left to right: Hearne Pardee, Gael Mooney, Audrey Cohn-Ganz, Iris Osterman, Anne Delany, Monica Bernier, Temma Bell, Dena Schutzer, Naomi Nemtzow Front row (seated): Kamini Avril, Robert Braczyk, Adrianne Lobel, Martha Armstrong, John Goodrich, Rita Baragona, Janet Gorzegno